Why Our Company Is Sought By Persian Rug Owners

Persian rugs are wonderful fixtures, and this is why you’ll often find them in homes and businesses. They’ve been around for thousands of years, and for thousands of years they’ve been popular. Today, one can pay a pretty penny for a Persian rug, but a well-maintained rug can easily last decades.
But Persian rugs are not perfect, which means they get dirty like all other rugs and carpets. A lot of things can make a Persian rug dirty, including food spills, drink spills, high foot traffic, and pet accidents.
When your Persian rugs are dirty and unsightly, it’s best to get in touch with our trusted experts, as we’re preferred by those who need Persian rug cleaning in Long Island. Our rug cleaning technicians are certified and licensed, and they’ll clean your Persian rugs till they’re free of stains, dirt, germs, and other unwanted particles and organisms.

Our Services

Rug Cleaning

We will clean your rugs using top-of-the-line cleaning products, high-tech tools, and industry-leading cleaning methods. Your rugs will be spotless!


Rug Restoration & Repair

Our rug restoration services are also sought. Whether you need recoloring, reweaving, binding, fringing, or another restoration service, we’ll be there for you.


The Rugs We Can Clean In Addition To Persian Rugs

We recognize that there are so many rugs and carpets out there these days, but we’re confident when we say that we can thoroughly clean the vast majority of these. We’ll also follow special cleaning instructions you have carefully, as we want to ensure every part of our cleaning process is first-rate. We’ll always handle rugs with care, and we can clean a rug no matter how old it is. Complex rugs are also no problem. Here are the rugs we often clean for clients:
Sheepskin rugs
Area rugs
Shag rugs
Silk rugs
Navajo rugs
Synthetic rugs
Polyester rugs
Wool rugs
Oriental rugs
Moroccan rugs
Kilim rugs
Turkish rugs
Bamboo rugs
Jute rugs
Cotton rugs
Antique rugs


We Serve Persian Rug Owners In Long Island

In a referrals-based business like this one, we attribute our growing client list to our commitment to always going above and beyond for those who need Persian rug cleaning in Long Island. Our services are sought by both homeowners and business owners, and no job is too large or complex for our team. We’re a family-owned and operated business, and we’ll be there for you if you need same-day Persian rug cleaning.


We’ll Clean Your Rugs With Green Cleaning Products

If you only want our technicians to clean with green and non-toxic products, we can accommodate this request. You won’t have to worry about cleaning effectiveness being compromised. Our eco-friendly rug cleaning service is often sought by those who have small children and/or pets at home. When we’re done with cleaning your rugs, they’ll be ready for use immediately. Cleaning won’t come at a cost to the environment!